
I wanted to take a few minutes to jot down some things so I don't forget them. The boys make me laugh regularly, and I find myself marveling at their new accomplishments often. So... here is the latest on my 20-month-old and my almost-3-year-old!

komato (tomato)
kitation (invitation, for his birthday party)
"I parmesan you!" (I hit/punch you. I have actually told him, "Don't parmesan her!")
"I poom you!" (I hit/punch you... )
He still speaks in the third person most of the time when talking about himself. It cracks me up!

On the way to VA for our after-Christmas weekend, Jimmy and I chatted with Charlie almost the whole way there. We both commented that it was crazy how he's a little person and definitely has some of his own opinions now! Here are some of our conversations...
Us: We're going to show you where you were born son, here in a hospital in Oxford.
Charlie: I not born in a stable.
Us: No, not in a stable (both of us were chuckling!)

Jimmy: If you could have one animal with you in your house, what would it be?
Charlie: Ummm (thinking a minute)... a monkey named George!
Jimmy: How about a platypus?
Me: No one wants a platypus...
Charlie: How 'bout an octopus!!
Jimmy: Some people eat octopus! How about a squid? Uncle Daniel likes squid.
Me: Another name for it is calamari. Mommy likes to eat it, too!
Charlie: Dat is very in-ter-ess-ing Mommy!

When he was painting his dinosaurs one morning and I was opening different colors...
Charlie: Mommy, green is amazing!
Next color....
Charlie: Mommy, white is amazing! (etc....)

When pulling into the ATM a week or so ago...
Charlie: (Distressed) No, we don't need any more money!!

During prayers one night...
Charlie: Tank you God for... food... and my fam-wy......and Wal-Mart.

Charlie's blessing before our Epiphany dinner with friends the other night:
Tank you God for food... and for people... and for Aubrey... and Wo- (started to say Logan)... and 'Lyssa.... and Wyan. Amen!

I have been surprised at how many songs Charlie has picked up. So far he likes to help sing:
Little Baby in a Manger
All Night, All Day
His "singing" is so cute; it's kind of shout-y and off key, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!!

Henry fell out of his crib yesterday afternoon. Like possibly flipped out and made the loudest thud of my life. Then there was no noise, and I was scared he was seriously hurt. He finally made a fake whiny sound, and as I reached the door and opened it, I found Henry on the other side, smiling, about to come out himself!

Henry can now fake snore...

Ho (Hold me)
Jor (George)
Chee (Cheese)
Ummmm.... (He says this like he's actually thinking about the answer....)
Uh huh! (Very emphatic affirmation)
Da-ee (Daddy)
Roo roo roo! (What the dog says... with pooched out lips)
Bob-by or Bob-brey (Aubrey)

Henry said his first little prayer last night. He put one hand in the other and said:
Ga.... (God)
ba-ball...Charlie... Da-ee (Daddy)... and Mommy!

Somewhere he learned that Santa says Ho ho ho! and told us that over Christmas. I asked him about this repeatedly, I loved hearing it so much!

Henry has recently learned how to walk down the stairs while holding on to the wall or railing (instead of bumping down on his bottom). I tried to hold his hand last night and today and he pushed it away. He wants to do it himself!

He still takes a nice nap in the afternoons, provided he doesn't fall asleep in the car and then wake up when I transfer him to his bed. If I do that, it's all over. No naptime for me (or him!). Charlie still takes a nap most days, but I allow him to skip it if he seems extra energetic or if I feel like we need some one-on-one time together.

A couple of nights recently I have let the boys go upstairs by themselves when I was cooking dinner. This is risky, since they both like to climb on top of the changing table to reach things on their dresser, or climb in Henry's bed and jump on it, or take things off my vanity, etc., etc. At first it made me nervous, but then I just let them be and play. No one got hurt, I got dinner made, and I found myself thinking, "How are they already old enough to be upstairs by themselves already?!"


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